Jacob: movie cliches

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Think to yourself for just a moment, what's one of the oldest romantic movie cliches of all time? A nerd falling in love for someone popular, pathetic really isn't it but for some reason, even though you knew it wasn't even remotely possible, you wanted to be Jacobs girlfriend.

Now a girl wanting to be someone's girlfriend isn't the craziest thing in the world so why was it nearly impossible for you to be his? Well you knew the reason, he was extremely popular and you were one of the most forgotten people in the world. If you were in a movie you'd be a background character!

Most girls, in fact all of them, wanted Jacob because he was handsome and because he was popular but you'd liked him since the two of you were 11 years old. You were friends then, everyone was friends with each other at that age.

You remember how excited you'd get when you saw him and when you were put on his team during games but he never really seemed to take notice in your affection towards him so you just buried it deep down inside you and waited for it to pass but the problem was it never did pass.

The bell rang so you shut your locker door and headed over to your English class. Have you ever had to walk past a group of people and you're so intimidated you just wanna take the long route just so you don't have to walk past them? Well this was one of these moments because Paul and Jared, two very popular people, were blocking your way.

"Sorry can I just get past?" You said but they didn't hear you. "Excuse me." You said a little louder but still no reaction. "Hey guys, get out of her way." You heard Jacob say before the two boys moved.

"Thanks." You said as you walked past them all. "Wow wait up!" Jacob said walking beside you. "We're in the same English class, so let me walk you!" You were shocked! "Why?" You said as you found yourself dumbfounded to why he'd want to walk with you.

"I guess this way it's easier to ask you out." He said scratching the back of his head and laughing. "Uh-" Jacob cleared his throat. "What are you doing Saturday?" You shrugged. "Nothing." Jacob smiled. "You are now!" He said making the two of you chuckle.


This was so shit I am so sorry I just am shit at writing for Jacob, please don't hate me!

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