Quil: thats my girl

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It was a nice day in the town of forks, summer had finally begun and it seemed like everyone came outside to enjoy the fresh air. You and the pack had decided since you had so,e free time you could all play frisbee.

You were a little concerned at the idea at first because the boys were extremely competitive and insanely strong but they promised to go easy since all of the imprints would be there.

You decided to play in the lush green park, the view was lovely at the park but seeing as there was a main road near where you were playing there was a constant noise of car engines.

"Catch!" Paul yelled as he flung the frisbee to Jared who just about managed to catch it. "Show off!" Emily yelled playfully. Kim had the frisbee now and she threw it to you.

You were ready to catch it when something else caught your attention.

A small boy had wandered into the road to retrieve his ball.

It seemed like time almost stopped as you noticed the car speeding towards the child. The driver hadn't quite spotted the kid yet and you panicked.

"Catch it!" Quil yelled as he frisbee passed your frozen figure. "Babe?" Quil said as you ran to the helpless child.

Your l gas carried you as fast as they possibly could, by now everyone was calling your name but you paid then no attention. Quil frowned as you lunged into the middle of the road.

The small boy cried out as the car was inches away from him.
With a swift swoop you managed to snag him from the car just in time.
You cradled the crying child as everyone cheered at the sight of you rescuing the little boy.

By now the whole pack had ran to you and were smiling at you. You passed the little boy to his mother who thanked you continuously for saving her baby.

"That was pretty brave." Embry said patting your back. "You saved him!" Kim said in total awe. "That's my girl!" Quil said pulling you into him and kissing your forehead.

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