Embry: thats my girl

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Your loveable boyfriend was the kind of guy who was always able to stay calm, of course after he changed it was a lot harder but he still managed to be the adult and walk away but you were the complete opposite.

You were the kind of person to speak your mind, no matter what the consequences were.

When the pack made a truce with the Cullen's to fight the new born army you found yourself being the only human, besides Bella, there to watch the training. Embry insisted you stay home but you were curious so he made you stay as close to him as possible.

The Cullen's could be trusted not to kill you during the truce so he relaxed a little.

Rosalie made a snide remark to Emmet. "Those dogs are disgusting." You turned to look at her. "I'd much rather a dog than a leech." You said loudly.

"Excuse me?" Rosalie said causing a few blood suckers to turn to look at her. "I said-" she cut you off. "I heard you." You looked at her puzzled. "Then why did you ask what I said? Are you that simple?" You said cockily.

"You little-" Emmet put his hand in front of Rosalie. Any sane person would understand that was a warning that Rosalie wanted to hurt them but you couldn't care less,

"Let her go, I'm not scared of her." By now the wolves were watching carefully. Embry growled as Sam blocked his view from your standoff with the leech.

"You mutt!" Rosalie yelled. "And you're a blood sucking creep! Why don't you try getting a tan? Your dead pale skin looks sickeningly."

Carlisle got involved then. "Rose!" He yelled. "But she-" he shook his head. "You started it. Apologise and go back home." Rosalie gave you a look saying how badly she wanted to hurt you before she said "I'm sorry." And turning to go back home.

Embry towered over you in his wolf, he growled, showing you how annoyed he was that you'd argued with a vampire. "Shut up," you said ruffling his fur. "We both knew I'd win that argument." You said before walking to go sit down with Bella.

"She's crazy." Quil said through the mind link. "That could of gone wrong, she lucky." Sam said back. "But you gotta admit it she was so cool!" Jared said, Paul and Seth agreeing.

"She's not scared of anything!" Jacob said as all the wolves looked at you talking with Bella. "That's my girl." Embry said smirking to himself.

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