Jacob: accident 2

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You and Jacob had only started dating for a couple days now and since it was wk term he decided to take you on a date to go ice skating.

"So are you any good?" He asked putting his ice skates on. "I'm okay, you?" Truth is Jared had never been ice skating before so he didn't know how he'd be out there. "Yeah I'm pretty good." He said trying to show off.

As soon as you stepped on the ice Jacob found it difficult to stand up on the ice, he just slowly crept around the sides of the ice skating rink, slipping every once in a while.

You were pretty good and was able to skate in a straight line without any help. "Here hold my hand." You said offering him some help. This seemed to work pretty well for a while until Jacob decided he no longer needed help so he let go.

You skated a little in front of him so you could catch him if he fell but he seemed like he was getting good at it.

"Hey look I can do it-" Jacob lost his balance and fell forward, landing on top of you. "Ow-" you both said as you rubbed your heads. "Are you okay?" He asked. You just went bright red.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Uh you're still on top-" Jacob realised he was still on top of you, his body pressed tight to yours so he scrambled to his feet and helped you get up.

"How about we go get something to eat." You said taking hold of his hand again. Jacob nodded. "Sounds good." He said as you both got off the ice.


This is more cute than anything!

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