Collin: lemon

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You smile at Quil, who was now sat opposite you at the cafe. You were there for two reasons, the first being that the food there was pretty good and the second being that Collin, your imprint worked there on the weekends so you found yourself there a lot.

"That was terrible!" You laughed at Quils joke. "Yeah but it made you laugh." He said happily, moving ever so slightly closer to you to soak in your hysterical laughter.

"And can I get anything for the happy couple?" Collin said dropping a menu in between the two of you. You rolled your eyes at Collins obvious jealousy. "Dude calm down," Quil said putting his hands up defensively.

"You two seem pretty loved up" he said frowning at Quil who just looked away. "Oh give me a break! So I'm not even allowed friends anymore? You're pathetic!" You said standing up from the table rather abruptly and storming into the girls bathroom.

The cheek of your boyfriend to accuse you of flirting with one of his pack mates. You were livid!

The door to the girls bathroom suddenly opened, alerting you of his presence.

"Calm down, it's just me!" Collin said unbuttoning his shirt to cool down a little. Even he had a bit of a temper when it came to you.

"Get out! This is the girls bathroom and last time I checked you weren't a girl!" Collin smirked at the obvious comment about his member. "I work here." He said smugly, it was so out of character for him.

"So? You can't be in here!" He sighed. "Relax, I got Quil watching the front for me." Wow that didn't seem like a good idea!

"You know-" Collin paused, looking over your bare shoulders, it was hot out today so you just wore a strappy top. "We haven't done 'it' in a while now." You turned around, red at the cheeks.

"I'm aware!" You said crossing your arms. "So maybe that's why we're arguing," he said pushing up against you slightly. You shook your head. "I'm not doing it here." You said making him sigh.

"I'm doing this for the greater good of our relationship," he said pushing against your thigh. "No your doing this for your erection." You said looking down at the tent growing in him trousers.

"Okay maybe both!" He said giving you a look that sent shivers down your spine. "If anyone comes in, you're dead!" You said letting him pull your shorts and underwear off.

"That's my girl," he said seductively. Collin dropped his trousers and boxers revealing his rather excited friend.

He placed his hands under your bum and picked you up before putting you on the sink to sit for him. "One rule, don't move your hips too much, I can't get a good thrust in when you move around-" you cut him off. "Okay- stop talking!" You said trying to not look him in the eye. If he kept talking you would soon die of embarrassment.

Collin slowly pushed himself into you, catching your breath in your throat. Collin gave you a look, asking if it was okay for him to move now, you nodded.

Collin began thrusting into you in a slow and steady pace while you undone his buttons, letting his shirt fall down to the floor. You couldn't help but melt as your core began to grow wet just at the sight of your lover shirtless.

You soon put your hand to your mouth as you felt a moan slowly bubble from your throat, it was dying to get out because of the extreme pleasure you were getting from Collin.

He pulled your top off and stared at your bouncing chest as he thrusted into you. You could tell it was turning him on because he was slowly gripping your thighs a little too hard but you lied it, it showed you turned him on.

"Take off your bra!" He seemed to beg. You began to fiddle with the clasp, it was very difficult with him still making love to you. Collin had had enough and just whipped the bra in half. You wanted to yell at him but only managed to moan very loudly.

The feeling I'm your lower region made you fidgety. You bucked your hips slightly, making him groan lowly. You did it again but his time his groan was louder. "Stay still!" He begged, he didn't want to finish yet and with you bucking your hips he was reaching his end faster than he intended.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, he looked at you, making you feel both embarrassed and lustful. "Harder-" you said in a quiet voice. Collin did as you commanded and went as hard as he could, making you scream his name.

"I'm so close-" you bucked your hips back and forth until you heard him moan.

He collapsed onto you, panting heavily. You were not covered in a layer of sweat and both had roses cheeks. You kissed the top of his head and wrapped your arms around him, allowing him to catch his breath.


This is probably my favourite! And I know he is totally out of the character I usually write him as but a very nice girl asked to see him as a little more dominant in this one!

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