★Brady: he turns★

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"Where are we going?" You asked as Brady pulled you deeper into the forest. "We're almost there," he said sounding mysterious.

"You could of told me we were going hiking, I could of work better shoes!" You said slightly annoyed but brat didn't answer you, he was distant.

In fact he's been like this all day!

Brady suddenly stopped, sending you crashing into his back. "What's wrong?" You asked but once again he ignored you.

"I'm going to show you something-" he said worrying you. "You're umm-" you pointed down to his bits and whistled. He smirked but instantly removed it off of his face.

"Don't be scared," was all he said before taking 10 steps back. His skin ripped off with the rest of his clothes, sending your body into a state of shock.

Before you knew it a huge wolf stood in front of you. "Oh my god-" you said taking a step back.

"Brady?" The wolf nodded. "This is insane- I must of hit my head on a rock or something?" You said thinking you were going crazy.

"How?" Brady turned back and gave you a concerned look. "I'll explain it all later but I need to know-" you cut him off. "Nothing's changed Brady, you're still the same boy to me."

You didn't know how happy he was to hear that.


I'm sorry that this is so short and rushed, it's just that a lot of people have been messaging me complaints because I'm not up to date with Brady and Collin!

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