||Brady Fuller: Bedroom||

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You were currently playing video games in Brady's bedroom. "This is bull!" Brady said sounding annoyed as you beat him once again.

"Are you sure you've never played this game before?" He asked making you chuckle. "Never!" You said honestly.

Once you'd beat him for the seventh time in a row he lost his cool and threw the controller against his bedroom wall.

"Baby!" You said as he pouted. There was no point in you not playing the game while he sulked so you continued getting better!

It had been a couple of minutes where he continued to pout and you continued to get better at the game.

You suddenly felt the weight of the bed shift before you felt Brady sit behind you. His legs going around your side while your back met his torso.

"I think you cheated." He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Sure, or you just suck." Ouch that hurt his male ego.

"No, that's your job!" The sexual joke made your cheeks darken slightly. "Whatever~" you said concentrating on the game.

Brady didn't like not having your attention so he kissed the nape of the neck, making you shiver as a reaction. Brady smirked slightly as he realised the effect he had on you.

He moved his hand from your waist further up until he was holding your breast. "C-cut it out, I'm trying to play-" you said trying to keep your mind on the game.

"Are you sure?" He said moving his other hand lower and lower until he was at your shorts.

'Okay' you thought to yourself. 'Two can play at that game!' You quickly dropped the controller and turned to push him down onto the bed.

Brady stared at you in shock. You quickly pressed your lips against his while you still had the courage to.

Brady didn't hesitate to kiss you back and in fact took the opportunity to feel every inch of your body.

You could feel the bulge in his shorts grow. This only added to the redness of your cheeks.

You suddenly lost all confidence and pulled away from him. "Don't stop there!" A very disappointed Brady said looking like a child who'd had his favourite toy taken away.

You couldn't help but smirk at him as he looked at you hungrily. Originally Brady did this to make you lose the game but now he was doing this because of the growing member in his boxers.

Brady sat up, realising that you couldn't take the lead anymore.

He pressed his lips against yours gently, before pulling at your top. "Yours first!" You said against his lips.

Your boyfriend smirked before pulling his shirt off. You sat amazed by his chizzled torso.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said making you feel embarrassed. You quickly looked away.

"Your turn," he said encouragingly. You nodded before pulling your top off. Brady couldn't help but stare at you.

You were his and all his! You were literally made for him and everything about you enticed him in.

"Take a picture!" You mocked him. "Okay," he said smirking.

Before you knew if you were completely stripped off and so was Brady.

"Ready?" He asked as he positioned himself at your entrance. You nodded. "Go slow-" you said worried it would hurt since it was your first time and all.

Brady nodded before slowly pushing into you. With a gentle thrust Brady was in and slowly he started to rock in and out.

You grabbed hold of the bedsheets as he sped up his pace. A small moan escapes your lips which resulted in a loud, lust full growl from Brady.

You looked up at him shocked. He just stared down at you hungrily. You could see he was restraining himself so he probably wasn't enjoying the pleasure as much as you were.

"You can go faster-" you said putting your hands on his shoulders. Brady shook his head. "I don't wanna hurt you," he said trying to stay calm.

You frowned slightly, you wanted Brady to feel the same way you felt right now as the pleasure took over you but he was just so stubborn!

You had an idea, you let out a loud moan which almost sent Brady over the edge but it wasn't enough, he still kept his slow, shallow thrusts so he wouldn't hurt you.

You sighed quietly before looking up at him again. You quickly opened your mouth and let another loud moan escape your lips but this time you said "ah- faster Brady- faster!"

The poor boy could only take so much and before you knew it, his whole member was deep inside of you.

You gasped as you felt him smash against a sensitive spot on your walls. Brady took note of this and continued to hit your G-spot until a knot in your stomach formed.

"I-" you knew what he was about to say but you couldn't respond as you felt the knot loosen and your release take over you.

You moaned his name loudly which encouraged him to finish inside of you too.

Brady rode out both your orgasms until you were both covered in sweat and panting.

He collapsed beside you, kissing your cheek as you cuddled into him. You'd both totally forgotten about the video game!

I think this is my favourite...

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