★Sam: he turns★

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"Are you sure?" You said taking Sam's jacket. "Of course, I'm not cold anyway." He said wrapping his arm around you. He wasn't lying, the man was never cold!

You couldn't help but melt into his touch. "So-" you said wondering what you'd do to end the night. You were currently out with Sam and hinting to stay over at his place again! Sam froze. "Are you okay?" You asked frowning slightly. "Sam?" You said when he didn't answer.

"What's up?" You said touching his torso. You could feel Sam slowly start to shake before his breathing became shallow.
"Run-" was all he said before throwing you to the side. "What the f-" when you looked up a huge black wolf stood before you and he was currently growling.

"S-Sam?" You said scared and confused. "A wolf?" You could see a man stood opposite the wolf. "Get away from him!" You yelled trying to save the man.

When he looked at you a smirk crossed his lips and that's all it took for the wolf to lunge forward and rip the man to shreds. You screamed as the wolf finished off his prey. Once he was done he looked over at you.

It lowered his head before whimpering at you. "Sam?" You said as you looked into its eyes. "You killed him-" was all you could manage to say before backing away.

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