Brady: accident 2

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Brady fuller had a lot of experience with girls but every girl he'd ever done anything with was just a fling but you, you were the real thing, he loved you and that scared him. He always found himself saying stupid this and looking like an idiot whenever he was around you no matter how hard he tried to look cool.

It was prom night so you were up stairs with Kim and Emily getting ready, they insisted on helping you. Brady waited downstairs with Collin and his date. "You guys excited?" Quil said walking into the house.

Collin nodded but Brady just waited for you to come down. "She's ready!" Emily said walking down the stairs and standing next to Sam. "May we present Y/N!" Kim said gesturing to the stairs.

You walked down the stairs in a beautiful dress. "Wow!" Embry said quietly. "How do I look?" You said feeling slightly nervous. "You look stunning." Sam said in a fatherly tone. You smiled at him.

"Well?" Paul said nudging Brady, "say something?" Brady nodded. "You have great boobs!" Everyone turned to Brady. He hadn't realised what he had said yet.
"Idiot..." Jared said. Jacob face palmed and every one else just shook their heads. "Thanks?" You said chuckling.

"Well have fun and Brady-" Brady turned to Sam. "Maybe don't comment on her uh-" Emily interrupted "chest." Brady nodded before going bright red. He couldn't believe he had just said that to you.

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