Sam: you save him

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Being the wife of Sam Ulley was no walk in the park. He was the leader of the pack, the alpha and protector of the reserve so you were constantly on edge when he left the house, knowing today might be the day he didn't come home.

"I'll be home for dinner." Sam said kissing your forehead. "Let's move!" He shouted to the pack before they all ran to the forest and shifted, they had smelt an intruder and were going to hunt it down.

The pack soon located the vampire and began chasing it, it was fast, almost faster than them but they stayed close behind, only inches behind it. "She's heading to your house!" Embry yelled through the mind link. "STOP HER!" Sam roared as he thought of a blood sucker being close to you.

They all tried their hardest to catch her but she was too quick for them. They were now in your back garden, she had vanished out of sight and all the pack were on edge, now you were in danger.

Sam couldn't keep his focus on the leech and was slowly searching for you instead of keeping his guard up but nobody could blame him, you were his imprint and your safety came first.

"SAM!" Jared yelled causing the pack leader to turn around. The blood sucker dived from a tree and was about to get her arms around Sams neck, making it easy for her to kill him.

It happened to quickly for Sam to react and the pack froze momentarily.


That was all that was heard and then suddenly the vampire dropped to the floor in pain. When sam looked behind him you were stood there with a shot gun in your hands.

You had heard the commotion outside and grabbed your gun, running to see what was wrong and that's when you saw the leech trying to hurt your lover so you quickly aimed the shotgun in your hand and pulled the trigger.

You knew it wouldn't kill her since she was a vampire but it would stun her long enough for the pack to get her.

Before the blood sucker even had chance to react the pack ripped her to shreds.

"Are you okay?" You asked helping the now human Sam to his feet. "Jesus dude did you see how good her aim was!" Jared said in awe at your skills. "You owe her big time." Paul said.

"You got a good aim." Seth said smiling at you. "Since I spend a lot of nights alone in that house it's better to have a good aim to protect myself." Sam just wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.


Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now