Quil: ignored pt2

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After that incident you didn't see Quil anymore, he wasn't out cliff diving, wasn't out getting food and he wasn't your friend- he was nothing to you anymore and you hated it! How could he just ignore you like that?

You got into your truck and took your little sister to her friends house, sadly for you she lived on the reserve, I'm the same area as Quil so you were practically in his neighbor hood.

You just wanted to know why he ignored you, why he didn't care anymore but you also wanted to hit him in the side of his head and call him stupid. The image of hitting your best friend played in your head and before you realised it, you were outside his house, you had driven there in a force of habit.

"Screw it." You said getting out of the car and opening his front door. You knew his parents wouldn't be there because they both worked during the day.

You stormed up the stairs and down the small corridor, heading towards Quil's room. You knew it was his room because you had been here many times before. This was a place where you felt at home.

"Quil!" You yelled as you pushed his bedroom door open. "Y/N-" you shoved him. "Shut up and listen to me!" You said looking him in the eyes. God he had stunning eyes. Most people didn't find Quil good looking but you did and for some reason looking at him was giving you butterflies.

"I was your best friend!" You yelled at him. "The one person that was always there for you!" He sat down on his bed, finding it hard to take his eyes off of you. "I was the one who stood up for you when people said mean things!" He nodded. "I was the one who laughed at all your jokes!" You began to cry, slowly feeling tears run from your eyes.
"I was the one person that would do anything for you and you just abandoned me!" Quil looked away, the guilt eating at him.

"You just left me by myself- now I have nobody." Quil stood up and held you. It felt so good for some reason, it was like getting an extra scoop of ice cream and finding a $20 bill, the feeling was amazing.

"I promise-" he held your face in his hands "to never leave you alone ever again!" He whipped your tears. "I'll never let you feel like this again!" He said before kissing you.


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