Dirty pick up lines

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Sam: "it's so cold out, can I use your thighs as earmuffs?"

Jared: "pizza is my second favourite thing to eat in bed!"

Paul: "let's play barbie, I'll be Ken and you can be the box I come in!"

Jacob: "your eyes are like spanners, when I look into them my nuts tighten!"

Embry: "what time do you get off and can I watch?"

Seth: "do you mix concrete for a living? Because you're making me hard!"

Quil: "I'm no weather man but you can expect a few inches tonight!"

Brady: "do you have pet insurance? Because I'm going to reck that pussy!"

Collin: "would you like an Australian kiss? It's like a French kiss but down under!"

Leah: "are you a screamer or a moaner?"

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