Sam: thats my girl

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!! Warning: homophobic words used !!

If there was one thing finding out you were Sam's imprint had taught you it was that you can't help who you fall in love with, if you love someone it's meant to be, no matter what...

Sadly not everyone understood that.

You, Sam and the pack were out getting food, Sam suggested going out and giving you a break from all the cooking, even though you didn't mind it. "So what's everyone having?" The waitress asked as she began taking everyone's order. The poor girl looked like she'd run out of paper and she hadn't even taken your order yet, these boys could eat you out of house and home with their appetite.

After she left you all made small talk while you waited for your food to be served. Sam had his arm around you while the boys all joked around, you ended up day dreaming, listening in on other people's conversations with out realising it until you heard something that annoyed you.

"Oh looks like the faggit is by himself today." You heard a boy say. You looked over to the table a little bit away from yours where you saw a young boy, around 19, sat by himself. A group of boys around his age stoped at his table.

The boy put his head down, trying to ignore the group of his peers. "What's wrong fag? Where's your boyfriend today?" The boy didn't speak up. "Oi homo, he's talking to you!" One said getting in his face.

You clenched your fists as you watched what was happening in front of you- in front of everyone.

"You're disgusting." The boy still held his head down as if he were a small child being scolded. "Get out of here you fucking fag, you ain't welcome her." The gangs words were laced with poison as they spoke such hateful words.

Even though many people had watched the scene you had just witnessed nobody stepped in, they all just turned their heads but you couldn't do that.

You stood to your feet. "Darling?" Sam said but you ignored him, you were focused on the boy getting bullied. "Are you deaf you creep?" The boy stood to his feet to leave.

"Nobody wants you here. Fucking gays." You pushed past the group of boys. "I want you here." You said making the boy turn to face you. He looked at you shocked, everyone did.

"Stay out of it." The leader of the group spoke but you paid him no attention. "You have as much right to be here as anyone else." The bullied boy looked at you with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes but it was quickly taken away when the gang of boys spoke again.

"No he doesn't, he's a fag!" You turned to the boy spewing the hateful words. "The only person that shouldn't be here is you." You spat at him. He looked at you silent. "You're picking on somebody because of who the love?" You said utterly confused.

"It's disgusting what he does." You shook your head. "You're the only disgusting person here is you! You're hating him for something he has no control over!" You said raising, your fists were still tense, your knuckles turning white.

"You don't decide who you love," the homophobic boy shook his head. "It's wrong!" He yelled. "Says who?" You questioned. "God! It's a sin!" You scoffed. "You'd rather make his life miserable? A person who has done nothing wrong other than love somebody because a guy we don't even know exists says it's wrong?" The boy didn't have an answer for that.

"You don't choose who you love in life, we don't choose who loves us back, it's out of our control but I will tell you one thing." The whole restaurant was watching you now. "You deserve to go the rest of your life lonely since you're against love!" The boy was losing his temper but you weren't scared, Sam was there to protect you.

"You're willing to get your ass kicked for a faggit?" You shook your head. "I'm willing to stand up for another human being." The boy was speechless. "Me too." Sam said standing behind you with his hand on your shoulder.

"And me." Jared chimed in. Paul nodded while crossing his arms and looking at the group of boys threateningly. "Don't forget about me." Jacob said while Embry followed. "Yo me too." Quil said emerging past everyone one. "You touch him and you'll have us to answer too." Seth said sounding scary. "And us!" Brady and Collin said in unison.

The group of boys were terrified as they faced the pack, they towered over them. "I think you should go." You said making the group turn to leave. "That's my girl," sam said before kissing your head.

The boys went to sit at their table. "Thank you." The boy said quietly. "I've never had anyone do that before." You smiled. "I'm Y/N." he smiled. "I'm Cody." You smiled back. "Would you like to join us Cody?" Cody nodded before you sat down with the rest of the pack.


Can I just say one thing, I despise homophobic people, if you hate on someone for loving someone of the same gender then you are scum. Love is love! I see no difference in gays or straight people, it's all the same love.

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