|| Collin littlesea: bedroom||

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"Collin, I'm going to work," Collins mother shouted up to him. This meant that the two of you were now alone in his bedroom.

You sighed quietly as you realised tonight wouldn't be "the night" because Collin had never made any advances on you, sure he'd kissed you but that was about it.

You decided that tonight would be the night that you turned your imprint on so much he'd take control for once!

You crawled over to the bottom of the bed, where he was sat playing video games.

"You want a go?" He asked not taking his eyes off the game. You shook your head. "Let's play something else." You said pulling your t-shirt down to expose your cleavage.

"Like monopoly?" He asked not even looking at you. "No Collin-" he began listing other games you may be interested in. "How about twister?" You smirked. "A form of it!"

Collin looked at you, utterly confused by now. He instantly looked down at your chest.

"The game I want to play involves a little math." You said smirking. "First we add you and me to the bed." You moved your hand along the hem of his shorts.

"Then we subtract the clothes-," you said kissing his neck. "I've got a confession to make," he said standing up and moving away from the bed.

"I'm- a Virgin." You were shocked. You thought since you were no longer a virgin, neither was he!

"I don't want to disappoint you." He said looking down.

You climbed off the bed and walked closer to him. "Let's take this slow, okay?" He nodded.

You slowly started to kiss Collins lips, slowly moving down to his jaw bone and down further to his neck.

He rested his hands on your hips, until you pulled your top off. Collin mimicked your actions while staring at your chest.

"Are you sure you-" he cut you off. "I want to." He said, his voice sounded deep and huskily.

You reconnected the kiss again, slowly putting your hands down his boxers and touching his already erect member. "Already?" You joked making him blush.

You grasped hold of his member and slowly started to pump, making him moan into the kids which in return sent shivers down your spine.

"What should I-" he looked at his hands and back at you. You slowly pulled his hand in to your shorts. "Just do what feels natural," you said continuing what you were doing.

Out of pure excitement and ecstasy from the pleasure you were giving him, Collin rubbed his thumb against your clit, earning a slight moan.

Collin loved hearing you moan, to him it sounded heavenly! So he rubbed harder and faster until you grabbed hold of his hair.

"Did it hurt?" He asked ripping his hand away from your southern area. You shook your head. "Are you sure you're a virgin?" You asked surprised by how good he made you feel.
He just shook his head.

You were pretty tired of all of this foreplay and decided that you wanted to get to the good bit, which Collin was thankful of since he was gagging for you.

"Pull down your shorts," you instructed him, as you did the same. Once they were off you couldn't help but take notice in the obvious hard on the boy was hiding.

You pulled down his boxers, making his face blush a brighter red than yours. He couldn't wait any longer and ripped your underwear off, leaving you both stark naked.

"Ready?" He asked positioning himself to enter you. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck.

Collin pushed into you, moaning as he did so. Once he was finally fully in he allowed you some time to adjust before thrusting into you.

It was clear that he was a Virgin as his thrusts were sloppy and all over the place, but the feeling welling up in you was enough to make you scream!

His sloppy thrusts went deeper and deeper as he started to enjoy himself a little too much.

You moaned out as he hit your sensitive spot along your walls. Collin paused and looked down at you. "What's wrong?" You asked worried. "That was so hot," he said smashing his lips against yours and continuing his previous actions.

It was safe to say that he in no way or shape did he disappoint you!


Sorry if this isn't that great! I did try!

I feel like we don't consider the fact that boys can be total virgins sometimes so I just went with it!

I hope you all liked it!

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