||Seth Clearwaters: danger||

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It had been a month now. A month since you'd seen your friend Seth. Since his dad passed away from a heart attack he stopped coming to school, ignored your calls and pretty much avoided you at all cost.

"Thanks Mrs.Clearwater." You said as you left his house. Once again you had gone to check if he was okay but once again he was out. When you asked his mother with whom she'd just start blabbering about random things.

You put in your headphones and started walking down the road, heading back to your house. Obviously you weren't old enough to drive yet and you couldn't ask anyone to pick you up because they were all busy.

As you walked back to your house, which was quite a distance away, you couldn't help but think about seth. "Was he okay?" You thought to yourself. "Was he avoiding you?" The questions replayed in your head until you noticed you bumped into something hard.

You were nocked off your feet and onto the floor. When you looked up you saw him. Seth. But this wasn't the Seth you were used to. This wasn't the scrawny, childish Seth you knew! This wasn't your Seth.

This Seth was tall, which was strange as you were almost taller than him a few weeks ago. He was also covered in big muscles that you couldn't help but stare at.

"(Y/N)?" He said making you look back at his face. "Seth?" You said confused. Why was he out with the Ulley boys?

"What are you doing here?" He asked looking frustrated. "What.." You began. "Well I traveled all the way up here, on foot, to see if my so called best friend was okay!" You began. "But instead I was greeted by his mother telling me he wasn't able to talk to anyone right now but I can see that's a lie!" You said gesturing to group of boys stood by him.

"Look I'm fine!" Seth said in a tone you'd never heard him use before. "Just go home and don't come back!" He said making you frown. "What?" You asked confused.

"Look I don't want you hanging around me anymore!" He said. "Your embarrassing to be around!" He snapped, slowly snapping a piece of your heart with it. It was clear that Seth struggled to get those words out but he had, he had said something you never thought your best friend would ever say to you.

Before you knew it your arm swung up and your hand collided with his muscular jaw. Causing you more pain than him.

"Oh crap-" said one of the guys behind him. Suddenly Seth started violently shaking. "Seth?" You said confused.

"Get back!" Another shouted but it was too late. In Front of your very own eyes you watched as Seth changed into a giant dog.

You stood, shocked and unable to move. That's when you saw the giant wolf in front of you reach out in an attempt to scratch your face but he was quickly pinned down by the other guys who were around.

"RUN!" Yelled one of the boys and that's when you took off.

As you ran for your life, thoughts fogged your brain. "Seth was a dog- no a wolf?" You thought. "He tried to-" but you stopped yourself form thinking anymore.

I did it! I updated early! Be proud of me! Just kidding!

So in this chapter Seth actually tried to hurt you and you actually see him phase!

Just to let you know the Seth story's are always different! Like if you haven't noticed I tend to do the other boys story's in a continuous pose but with Seth it changes every time so there will still be a chapter of him phasing in front of you!

I know this is out of the blue and doesn't really fit Seth's personality but I liked the idea of him hurting you... Wait no... You know what I mean!

Thanks for reading!❤️

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