Seth Clearwaters: imprint

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You never really knew Harry Clearwaters, mainly because you were the same age as his son but you'd met him once because he was a tribal leader.

Your mother and father were good friends with him so you they took you to attend his funeral. "I don't know him, won't it be rude?" You asked worried you'd be an unwanted guest. "Seth could probably use a friend." Your mother said making you nod.

You wouldn't be much help there since you only had one class with the boy and you'd barely even spoken! The longest conversation you'd had with him was when he asked to borrow the eraser!

"We are here today to honour one of our elders Harry Clearwaters-" the service had began and you forced yourself to zone off. You didn't want to hear all of the things said about him because you'd probably just end up crying!

You saw Seth stood with Leah and couldn't help but feel bad for them. You couldn't imagine losing your dad at this age. Seth was clearly trying not to cry but the tears ran down his cheeks anyway.

Suddenly he started shaking and eventually he ran off. Leah went to chase after him but her mother stopped her. Instead Sam Uley and his crew went to look for him.

Since Harry had died Sam spent a lot of time with Leah and Seth. Before you knew it you were on your feet and heading in Seth's direction. Why? You didn't know but you just kept going until you heard their voices.

"We need to get him away from here!" You recognised Jacob Black say. "He needs to be here for his family!" One of the others said. The entire time Seth was stood there shaking.

"Is he having a seizure?" You asked yourself. Seth screamed out. He sounded like a wounded animal and before you knew it you'd ran to him.

"No!" Sam yelled as all of the boys lunged for you. "It's okay Seth!" You said putting your hands on the boys chest. He looked at you ready to hit whoever was in front of him.... Until he looked into your eyes.

You felt a strange pull towards Seth, one you couldn't explain and neither could he! "You're okay," you said putting your hands on his cheeks and bringing his forehead to touch yours.

He put his large hands over yours and collapsed to the ground, you went down with him. You wrapped your arms around him protectively and held him while he cried.

"You're okay, I'm here now." You said trying not to cry with the sweet boy in your arms. He had his arms around your waist, worried that if he let go you'd leave him too, just like his father.

"He's young." One of the boys said sounding slightly jealous that Seth had found his Imprint when he'd only just turned into a wolf.

The boys all left the two of you to be alone. "It's my fault." Seth whined into your neck. You shook your head. "It's not your fault! You didn't know that it would happen Seth." You continued to hold him until he was ready to return to the funeral.

When you walked him back to his place you went to go and sit back at your seat when you felt a strong hand snag hold of your wrist.

"Please stay with me." Seth said making you nod. You stood beside Seth as his fathers casket was put into the ground. You vowed that you'd protect Seth for Harry.

You promised the father that his son was in good hands and that you'd always care for the boy.

Seth kept his hand intertwined with yours the entire time, touching you almost took away the pain and for that he was thankful.


Oh god the feels!
Okay maybe this is my favourite one!

How was this one? It was different for Seth since he's always so happy and bubbly! I wanted to show you his delicate side! And I wanted you to be the one to help him through all of this!

Thank you for reading guys!

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