||Brady Fuller: Danger||

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Life with a werewolf wasn't always easy, ask Emily and she'd tell you the same thing! But life with a young, hormonal, teenage werewolf was even harder!

Brady was always getting mad at you and always yelling at you. It wasn't his fault thought because he couldn't control his temper which was made worse by becoming a shapeshifter and you knew that!

But you could only take so much.

You stormed past Embry and Jared, out of Sam and Emily's home. "What's up know?" Jared said crossing his arms. It was a normal thing to see you fighting with Brady.

"Looks like their having another argument, wonder what it's about?" Embry said walking in to the house. But that's the thing, you don't even know what started the argument!

"Wait!" Brady said sounding annoyed. "I don't want to talk to you right now." You said continuing to walk away from him. "I said wait!" You knew Brady would never hurt you because you were his imprint so you'd argue with him, without fear he'd turn!

"You don't own me Brady, I just need some space for a couple of days!" You yelled at him. That was a mistake.

"A few days-?" You turned to see Brady shaking. "Brady-" he cut you off. "You're leaving me for a few days? You can't do that!" He yelled at you, making you step back slightly.

"You think you can just walk away from me?" He was starting to scare you now.

"I won't let you!" He said grabbing hold of your wrist. His breathing was unsteady and his body still shaking, showing you that he would turn any minute now.

"Brady stop-" you could see that he wanted to, deep in his eyes he wanted to run in the opposite direction and give you the space that you needed but he just couldn't! The wolf was controlling him right now and he was hurting you!

"Brady, calm down!" You heard Paul yell at him, which didn't help. Beasts grip on you tightened. You let out a painful scream as you felt the bone in your wrist slowly snap.

Sam came running towards the two of you, in his wolf form. He let a loud growl fall from his mouth, making Brady drop to the ground in submission.

Before you knew it the other pack members ran to you, snagging you away from the younger boy.

You knew Brady didn't want to hurt you, Brady didn't want to hurt you and he felt sick to his stomach knowing that he hurt you!

He wanted to feel your skin against his but his anger and strength took over.


Firstly: what he did was not okay so don't accept this as normal behaviour in the real world!

Secondly: in this one you actually get hurt!

I hope you liked it!

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