Embry: bad ass

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Being a shape shifting werewolf had its perks, such as super human speed and strength and of course turning into a giant wolf! But it also meant you had to watch your temper with the locals, so you didn't put your secret.

So when a bunch of boys only a little older than yourself began screwing around on the reserve and messing with people's property the pack had to try and stay out of it, until the idiots decided to mess around with Jacobs truck.

"I'm just gunna go out and talk to them," Jacob said walking out of Emily's.

"Just stay calm," Sam reminded- warned him. Jacob nodded before going over to tell the delinquents to get lost.

Of course they didn't listen and only pissed Jacob off. Luckily for them though Jacob was able to walk away before he phased.

"Why don't I go out and talk to them?" Emily said crossing her arms. "No!" Sam said sternly. "But I won't phase!" She said making sense to you but Sam refused again and again and decided to call the cops.

Jacob growled as he watched the boys scratch the hood of his truck. "Jared help me take him out back!" Sam said pulling Jacob away from the window.

Emily saw her chance and quickly snuck out before the other boys had chance to notice.

"Hey, you're on private property." Emily said trying to sound big and scary. The boys smirked. "Oh yeah?" One of them said scrapping his knife against the truck again.

"Y-yes!" Emily said losing confidence. "And who's gunna make us leave?" By now Emily's confidence was replaced by fear and Embry, Quil, Seth and Paul had realised she was in trouble.

"Me!" You said surprising the group of boys. They laughed. "Oh really?" The cocky one said making you frown.

"Really!" You said as you swung the bat, you'd been clinging to tightly, into his stomach.

The boy yelled out in pain, "you bitch!" He spat out making Embry snap into the realisation that now you were in danger too.

You swung the bat once again but this time hitting the boys balls. He collapsed onto the floor making now only his friends but the pack boys flinch.

"Anyone else?" You said turning to the other boys, they stepped back fearing what you'd do to them.

"Then I suggest you get your asses off of this lady's property!" You said making Emily smirk.

The boys picked up their friend before running off to safety.

"What the hell was that?" Paul said rubbing your head proudly. "You could of gotten hurt!" Embry growled making you look down.

"That's how we handle unwanted guests in the L/N house!" You said winking at your boyfriend who couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arm around you.

"That was brave," Sam said making everyone turn to him. "And stupid!" He said looking at Emily who just looked away like a naughty child.

"I owe you one," Jacob said smirking at you. "Hey Embry, remind me to never piss her off!" Jared said making everyone chuckle.


You're so freaking cool!!
This is possibly my favourite!;)

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