Paul Lahoye: asking you out

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"Thank you." You said as the waitress handed you your milkshake. It was your regular here at the diner so as soon as you walked in they started making it for you. You had started coming here a couple of weeks ago but was put off by two spoilt little girls so you didn't show your face for a while.

After you quickly gulped down your drink you got up and walked to the door, after you payed of course. As you walked through the door you were hit by the cold air... And a brick wall! You were knocked down by what felt like the hulk.

"Watch where your going." Said a husky voice. You looked up and saw a guy with short black hair, tanned skin and a toned body stood in front of you. Behind him were more hot guys but you just focused on the one that nocked you over.

The guy sighed and walked past you. For a second there you were so taken back by his looks you didn't realise that this guy was a total jerk. "Excuse me?" You said getting to you feet. He didn't listen to you. "I think an apology is needed." You said crossings your arms. He ignored you again and just walked inside. His friends shook there heads at his behaviour.

You barged back into the diner and walked over to his table. "Hey Jack-ass your supposed to say sorry!" You said in a sickened tone. He started shaking and looked up at you, frowning and giving you a stinking look. "Sorry for that, he didn't mean it." Said one of the guys. You shook your head. "There you go, now you can leave me alone!" Snapped the first guy. You shook your head again. "Thank you-" you said to the other boys but quickly turned back to the guy at the table. "You apologise!" You said and he sighed. "I'm sorry-"

He continued "for the fact that your an uptight bitch that needs a good pounding to relief some stress!" He shouted, now every one was staring at you. Any normal girl would run out from what he had just said but you weren't any normal girl. You turned to table next to you where some teens sat. One had a milkshake so you picked it up and slowly poured it over the guys head.

Everyone gasped, including the guys he came in with. "What the hell are you doing!" He shouted. You lowered down to his level and went close to his face. "I thought you should cool down after thinking about such a thing." You said with a smirk. You ran your finger over some of the cream that say on his head and tasted it with a smile before throwing some cash at the kid who's milkshake you stole.

You quickly walked out of the diner but before you knew it he was behind you. He pushed you into a wall and growled. You waited for him to start yelling but instead he just smiled. "Your the chick from before." He said. You were confused until the memory of sticking up for him and his friends against those idiots replayed in your head. You nodded.

"Paul." You said and he nodded. "I'm sorry." He said stepping back. He turned to walk away but for some reason you shouted out to him. He turned around and you stuttered a little. "D-do you want to go out some time?" You asked and he smirked. "Yeah." He said winking at you.

So how did you like it? I love this one!

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