Collin littlesea: asking you out

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The pack members weren't known for being shy and timid, all expect for Collin Littlesea. The boy stunk of innocents which didn't match his huge, dark appearance.

Your father was close with Sam Ulley so you were always going to tribe meetings, even though you weren't really that interested in what was being said.

You always looked for things to take your mind off of the events, something to think about or look at, to pass time and when you saw Collin Littlesea for the first time he was that thing!

The two of you began speaking on a regular basis and in fact you beg your dad to take you whenever he went to see Sam because you knew Collin would be there!

"Hey Y/N," Sam said as you turned up with your dad. You smiled, you'd become pretty close with the other boys since you spent so much time with them.

"Collins around back," he said smirking at your dad. Your cheeks tinted red as you walked to the back yard where Collin was stood with Brady and the other boys.

"Hey Collin, your girlfriends here," Jared teased making the younger boy blush a bright red.

"Hey," Collin said running over to you. Instead of stopping when he reached you he kept walking, signalling for you to follow him with his hand.

You ended up walking to the beach, the weather wasn't brilliant but it wasn't raining so you didn't mind being there, plus you were with Collin.

"I was w-wondering," you smirked slightly as you heard him stutter. "Yo-you know that we're pretty c-" it was hard for Collin to say whatever he was trying to say.

"We- and you- and-" you frowned. "Are you okay?" You asked him but he just took a deep breath and sighed.

Collin mentally face palmed, why wasn't he as confident as the other boys in the pack?

"Will you-" He couldn't say it so instead he decided to show you.
Collin quickly pulled you and pressed his lips against yours.

When you finally pulled away you had a huge smile on your face, he was just stood worried for your answer.

"Yes!" You said giggling at his attempt to ask you out.

What you didn't know was the other pack members were hidden, watching you.

"That's my boy," Brady said proud of his best friend. "Great, now I owe Paul $50." Jared sighed. "Hand it over," Paul said holding his hand out.
"You guys are pathetic." Leah said wondering why she was dragged down to watch you two. "This is an invasion of privacy," Embry said, Seth agrees with him.

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