Collin: thats my girl

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What was the worst thing about being a kid? Probably the service buses that you had to catch whenever you wanted to go somewhere with your friends. Usually you got lifts since most of the pack were all old enough to drive but today you were going out with Collin, Brady and Seth. Sure Seth was old enough to drive but he didn't have a licence yet.

You were sat up the back of the bus with your friends, discussing things like normal teenagers do but that's when you noticed a man getting on the bus and trying to ask for a ticket. It was evident that the man had a stutter and was finding it difficult to tell the bus driver that he wanted a single ticket to the station.

Eventually he got what he was after and took a seat closer to the front. Two girls had gotten on behind him and sat in the two empty seats behind him. That wasn't what bothered you though.

Once the bus started driving again you noticed the girls mimicking the man sat in front of them. "H-h-h-hey!" One of them said making the other laugh. "W-w-w-what's the m-m-matter? C-c-cat got your tongue?" She teased.

You clenched your fist. "What's wrong?" Collins asked noticing your mood change. "Them." You said staring at the two bullies. The boys watched in silence for a moment before Seth spoke up. "I hate people like that."

"We should go say something!" You said ready to tell them off. "Woah," Brady said. "Sam said not to draw too much attention to us, we've already got tons of rumours spreading about us!" He continued. The boys all nodded so you just bit your tongue and tried to ignore them.

They didn't say anything else for a while, well you couldn't hear them say anything but it was obvious they were still teasing him.

"You're such a F-f-f-freak!" One of them said as she flicked him in the back of your head and before you knew it you were on your feet and stomping your way down the bus. "Hey where's she going?" Asked Brady. "This isn't our stop." Collin said but you ignored them all.

"Hey!" You snapped in one of the girls ears. No h girls turned to look at you. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked the two girls, everyone on the bus was looking at you. "Um is that any of your business?" One of the girls asked. You nodded. "Yeah, if you're bothering this guy then it's my business."

"We're not are we?" The girl asked the man ahead of her. "Uh-um I-I-" the girl burst into fists of laughter as the man struggled to make a sentence. "That's it!" You yelled before grabbing the girl closest to you by the scruff of her jacket.

"What the hell?" She screamed. "Hey driver this is her stop!" You said making the driver pull over, he opened the doors and with that you threw the girl out of the bus, on to the hard the ground.

"You're next!" You said stomping over to the other girl who now looked terrified of you. "Are you walking off or do I need to help you like I helped your friend?" The girl froze for a moment, completely speechless.

"What's the matter? Cats got your tongue?" You said making the man smirk. "I'll walk!" She said standing to her feet. "If you wanna walk then I suggest you apologise!" You said through clenched teeth. "I'm really really sorry!" She said to the man who was now sat with a huge grin on his face.

"Get lost." You said before she ran off the bus.

Once the driver had shut the doors the bus erupted in cheers. "I-I owe you." The guy said but you just smiled. "It's fine," you said before going back to your seat. "Listen I know what you're going to say but if Sam got a problem with me doing that then he can-" you were cut off.

"That was so cool!" Brady and Seth yelled in unison. "That's my girl," Collin said pulling you into him.

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