Collin littlesea: kisses you to shut you up

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"So vampires are real?" You asked looking slightly shocked. Collin nodded. You'd just been told about the pack and their abilities and that they protect forks from vampires.

"And they suck blood?" Collin once again nodded. For the rest of the week you continued asking Collin questions about vampires until you managed to scare yourself.

"How can you kill them?" Collin sighed. "Why are you so interested in them?" Collin asked. You shrugged. "I guess it's because they scare me! I mean if they're really as strong and fast as you guys then I don't stand a chance against them!" You kept on rambling on and on until Collin brushed his lips against yours.

After he kissed you he smiled. "You don't have to protect yourself against them-" you cut him off. "Yes I do!" He shook his head. "No you don't because I'll always be here to protect you!" He said taking hold of your hand.

From that moment on you never mentioned vampires because they didn't seem as scary anymore.

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