Quil: bad ass

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At first you didn't want to go to la push beach with the boys since you knew you'd just watch them all flip off into the water and then pressure you into doing it but you just couldn't say no to your imprint Quil.

You didn't think you'd see Bella there jumping off the tallest a ledge. When she plunged into the freezing cold water and didn't submerge your heart stopped.

Would you have to make a police statement that would later be used to tell her grieving father how she died?

Thankfully Jacob dived in after her, dragging her to shore but when her freezing cold figure and icy blue lips didn't move your fears only worsened.

"What'd we do?" Embry said, Jacob was stood frozen over her and it seemed like she really were about to die.

That's when the adrenaline took over your body and you pushed Jacob out of your way.

"Move!" You yelled as you pushed him with all your strength. You quickly put your hands over Bella's chest and began pushing as hard as you could.

"1.. 2.. 3" you kept pushing until you'd counted to 30 before pressing your mouth against Bella's and trying to blow air into her mouth.

You started again one you'd given her three breaths, pushing her chest another 30 times and giving her another 3 breaths.

"Call an ambulance!" You yelled as you did the ordeal once again. Quil quickly did as you said and called for help.

You'd done it a total of 7 times before Bella finally spit up the water lodged in her throat, allowing her to finally take a breath.

You collapsed, tired and relieved. Quil quickly pulled you to your feet and into his arms where he kissed your forehead.

"You saved her-" he said looking at you with the utmost respect. You frowned not actually comprehending that you'd saved a life.

The boys began clapping, showing you how proud they were. "That was amazing!" Jared said still shocked.

"Thank you," Bella said looking down at her feat.


Have you ever had to do something like this?

Honestly doing first aid training comes in handy, I'm just glad I did it since I was able to save my nephew!

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