Collin: movie cliche

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The bell rang and you made your way to science. You loved this lesson because you got to be partners with your friend Collin, he was so sweet and you really liked him but hung around with different people so I'm science class you got to talk to him since you worked together.

Your teacher handed out your assignments and you both got to work mixing different chemicals. You were doing what you were told but Collin was just staring at you.

"Why are you staring at me?" You asked continuing to work. "I've never noticed before but you look good in safety goggles." He teased making you giggle. "Not as good as you!" You joked back.

The lesson continued and the two of you continued to joke around and flirt a little bit it couldn't be helped, you too had real chemistry together.

Sadly for you the bell rang once again telling you to go to your next class. The lesson was an hour long but felt like 10 minutes when you were with Collin.

"Oh hey wait up!" Collin said as you went to leave. "I was just wondering if you'd like to be partners?" He asked confusing you. "Collin we are partners? We've been lab partners for about a year now?" Collin chuckled. "I meant it as in go out for a date." You froze.

"If you don't want to then- you cut him off. "I'd love too!" You said a little too quickly. "Really? That's great! I'll text you later!" He said as Brady walked up to him to get him to go to their next class.

This was so shit and so rushed....

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