Brady: movie cliche

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"This party is so boring!" Your friend cried out. "Let's spice it up then!" Collin said smirking. "How about spin the bottle?" Another boy said. Everyone called out "yes!" And sat in a circle.

"Aren't you going to play?" You friend asked noticing you walking away. "I don't think so-" she didn't listen and grabbed your hand, pulling you to sit with the others. "I don't think this is a good idea!" You said but again she didn't listen.

"Who's going first?" Collin asked. Nobody answered so Brady sighed. "I'll go." You had such a huge crush on Brady fuller but didn't know how to tell him since he was so popular in your school.

While you stared at him and day dreamed you didn't notice that the bottle had landed on you. "You ready?" He asked walking over to sit next to you. "Me?" He nodded. "But I-" you froze. "What?" He said sounding slightly worried, did you not want to kiss him?

"I've never-" you looked down. "I've never kissed a guy before." You whispered. Brady chuckled quietly. "Don't worry, I'll show you how to do it." He said as he pressed his lips to your gently.

It felt amazing to kiss him, you wanted to keep kissing him but Brady pulled away, worried it was too much for your first kiss. "How was that?" He asked turning your cheeks red. "Of you want I could teach you how to kiss more often." He said winking.


This was very short I'm sorry!!

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