Seth Clearwaters: kisses you to shut you up

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You smiled as the pack walked into the house. Since you're an imprint you spend most of your time with the pack and when they're out doing- wolf stuff you stay home with Emily!

Seth quickly made his way over to you, wrapping his hands around your waist and pecking your cheek.

Some of the boys awed while his sister scowled at you. Leah had never been a fan of yours and never even bothered to hide her disinterest in you!

You looked down before pushing away from Seth and going back over to help Emily with the food.

After everyone had eaten you noticed Leah was still frowning at you! You didn't know why she hated you but she did! And if you got to close to Seth in front of her she'd let you know who was boss!

"Let's go to the beach!" Jared yelled excited. Quickly everyone was out of the door and making their way to the little camp fire taking place at the beach.

You waited until Leah left before grabbing your shoes to leave. "What's up?" Seth asked looking at you confused. You loved the beach!

"Leah hates me, doesn't she?" You said looking disheartened. "No!" Seth protested but you knew he was lying for your sake.

"She does hate me! And she hates that I'm your imprint!" You were so clearly upset! You sat down and went on and on about how you wished she liked you and how you'd do whatever it took to make her like you!

"Maybe if we stop seeing each other in front of her she will-" you were cut off by Seth who had pulled you up to face him.

"Shut up." Was all he said before kissing you. His hands moved down to your bum, giving it a squeeze. He continued the kiss for a little bit of time and eventually let you catch your breath.

"Listen Y/N, your not Leah's imprint!" He said keeping his hands on your hips. You nodded. "You're mine!" You loved hearing him say that. "And I don't care what Leah thinks of you!" You cuddled into his chest.

"Because I love you no matter what!" You blushes slightly as he said those words. "I love you too." You said pecking his cheek.


I loved writing this one!

I always make Seth a little cheeky or do something cute when I write about him! It's because I'm have a huge crush on him!!😍

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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