Quil: accident

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Your boyfriend had a very bad habit of running his mouth at the wrong times and was well known for saying the wrong thing or something that was supposed to remain a secret so when Sam told you all that he was throwing a surprise party for Emily's birthday you all worried Quil might slip up and say something.

"Hey, what are you all doing?" Emily asked as she placed the shopping on the table. "Nothing." Embry said smirking. "I'm starving!" Paul said changing the subject but Quil didn't realise who he was talking to so he spoke.

"Arranging your surpri-" Quil was cut off when he felt you smack him in his lower region. He instantly forgot about what he was saying and turned to you, holding his babies.

"Why would you do that?" He yelled making you smile. "Whoops sorry sweety, I'm so clumsy!" You said giving him a death glare, making him realise what's he'd nearly done.

"Oh- I'm going to lay down!" He said walking away before you hit him again. You felt bad but you knew he'd be okay.

Sam gave you a look that read "thank you so much!"


This was crap

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