Quil: stressed

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"They're so hot!" You heard some girls giggle as they ogled at the pack boys. "Except that Quil guy!" The smirk was wiped off of his face.

Quil decided he didn't want to hang at the beach anymore and made his way to your house. Jared had text you letting you know your boyfriend was down because of what happened so you waited for him to arrive.

When he got there you let him in and lead him into your room where he slumped down onto your bed.

"They told you, didn't they?" Quil said knowing that his pack mates had told you about what had happened, you just nodded before cuddling into him.

"Why am I never good enough?" Quil asked breaking the silence. Your heart broke into a million pieces as you heard his broken voice.

"When I was human nobody ever wanted me and now that in a-" you cut him off. "I want you Quil," you said making him look down. "Only because I've phased." You frowned. "I would of called for you with or without the ability to turn into a giant furry dog!" He smiled slightly.

"They said I was ugly." You sighed. "Well it's a good thing their opinion doesn't matter because you were made for me Quil, nobody else, just me! And I think you're the most amazing, wonderful and attractive boy in the world!" You pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss.

When you pulled away you saw his smile firmly planted back on his face.


So this isn't really him stressed but I feel like we all think Quils the ugliest so this is for him!

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