Collin: ignored pt2

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He is super quiet so you never noticed him

"Hi." You said back to the boy who had just called your name. Collin was clearly star struck that you talked to him and didn't say another word so you giggled before turning back around.

Once the bell had gone you got up and left with your friend. "Well?" Brady said to his best friend. Collin looked at him with a confused look on his face.

"Well what?" Brady sighed. "Aren't you going to go after her?" Collin shook his head. "She doesn't even know my name."

"Well then tell her your name and give her a reason to remember it!" His confident best friend said. "If you don't then I will." Brady threatened as he walked over to you.

Collin pushed Brady flying to the ground, catching your attention. Collin gulped and took a deep breath before walking over to you. "Hi." He said once again. "Hello." You said smiling at him.

"My names Collin." You giggled "I know what you're name is, we're in the same class!" Collin went silent. Now what should he do?

"Give her a reason to remember your name!" He remembered his best friend saying. "You should remember my name," he said making you smirk. "And whys that?" He shrugged "Well because I'm the guy that's taking you out soon." You couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was.

"Okay then Collin, pick me up tomorrow and it's a date." You said before walking off to your next class.

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