Your talent

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Sam: you're a very good singer but not many people know this! You're too shy to sing in front of  just anyone so Sam feels very special since you always sing whenever the two of you are alone!

Jared: martial arts is your talent! You're amazing at kick boxing and kind of scary too! Who'd of guess such a sweet and innocent looking girl could get so violent! Jared can never watch you fight because he gets too protective!

Paul: horse riding is your talent! You've always been good at it since you were a little kid! Paul gets worried that you'll get thrown off your horse one day but you know what you're doing!

Jacob: you're really good at ice skating which is a rare talent in the town of forks! Jacob loves watching you skate!

Embry: boy can you dance! Whether you're competing in a competition, at a party or just goofing around, Embry's always mesmerised when you swing those hips!

Quil: gymnastics was always your strong point! You're body is like a human pretzel the way you bend! Quil get worried the way you flip around when you show off but you're too good to get hurt!

Seth: football is your talent! You've just got a way with the ball that makes it impossible for you too lose! You and Seth both love the looks on boys faces when you beat them!

Brady: you're very good at playing musical instruments, this includes: piano, violin and bass. Brady loves listening to you play!

Collin: if there's one thing you're good at its intimidating the other pack members! You can make them quiver in there shorts when you yell and even keep Paul in check when he's angry, now that's a talent!

Leah: drawing has always been a passion of yours so being an artist comes easy to you! Leah loves showing off your art work, even though you tell her to stop!


Thanks for reading guys! I know it's a quick little chapter but I wanted to write it!

What's your talent?

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