Meeting brady fuller

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You were slowly making your way to Sam's house you could hear yelling? Of course you had to go and check it out!

You quickly followed the noise, soon finding yourself in someone's backyard. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea-" you thought to yourself.

The noise increased sending shivers down your spine. "Uh-I'm coming in!" You yelled as you opened the back door.

Just as you opened it a boy ran out, pushing you flat on your backside. You didn't really see him for long but what you had seen reminded you of when your older brother, Jared, turned for the first time.

You quickly called your brother and explained what was going on. He made it very clear that you were not allowed to follow the boy! But who listens to their older brother right?

You ran into the direction the boy had run off in, thankfully he ran through the trees, making it hard for him to be spotted if he actually did turn.

"A-are you okay?" Your voice was shaky as the newly turned wolf stood in front of you.

He looked confused, scared and ready to attack any threat. "My names Y/N." You said walking closer to him. "I- I can help you understand what's going on but first- you have to change back."

The poor boy- wolf in front of you whimpered as he shook his head. He was trying to turn back but it wasn't as easy as it looks!

"C-calm down!" You said putting your hand on its fur. Your touch seemed to calm him down so you continued to pet him.

Soon enough he had turned back. Your hand was on his shoulder while the other was cupping his cheek. You blushed before taking your hands away.

"What's going on-" he asked looking both angry and sad. "I'll take you to some guys who can help you understand." You said.

"What's your name?" You asked. "Brady, Brady fuller." He said making you smile. He was the same age as you and in fact he was in the same English class as you.

"Let's go Brady," you said taking his hand and guiding him to Sam's house where all of the boys were getting ready to leave.

"This is-" Sam cut you off. "Brady, we've been keeping an eye on you, welcome to the pack." Sam said with a welcoming smile.

"How did you-" your brother frowned. "You seriously need to listen to me!" He yelled making you giggle before walking into the house.

I didn't really know where I was going with this but yeah~

Thanks for reading!

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