Jared cameron: kisses you to shut you up

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You made your way to the school entrance, palms sweaty and head aching as you thought about the exam you were about to sit.

"Oh god-" you said panicking. "Y/N what's wrong?" You heard Jared ask. "I can't do this-" you said staring at the doors to the school.

"Sure you can, you just gotta push them-" he joked as he opened the door. You frowned. "I can't sit this exam!" It was his turn to frown now.

"Yes you can," you shook your head. "What if I fail! I'll never get into college if I can't pass one measly English exam!" You started to panic even more.

"I'll end up jobless and then homeless because I can't afford to pay a mortgage!" He rolled his eyes.

"And I can never have kids if I don't have a roof over their heads!" Your eyes were wide opened as you thought about the terrible future.

"We can't have kids if I screw this up Jared!!" You yelled making him smirk slightly.

The next thing you knew jared's lips were pressed firmly against yours as he made you forget all about the exam.

Your hands made their way to his shoulders where they rested as he pulled away. "You'll do great, I know it." He said making you nod.

"Now go in there and ace this exam so we can have hundreds of children." He joked making your cheeks turn slightly red.

He always knew how to calm you down and shut you up!


Anybody else bad at tests?

I wish I had a Jared to calm me down before an exam!😅

Thanks for reading!

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