★Embry: he turns★

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You didn't know why but or how but Embry had changed lately, not only was he growing slightly more confident, his body had changed. He was freaking huge. Not only did you notice but so did Sam Uley and his band of merry men.

"Hey, I was wondering," you said running over to Embry who was in his back yard. "Now's not a good time, Y/N" Embry said frowning slightly. You of course ignored and continued. "How have you gotten so- big lately" you said looking at his humongous arms.

"I don't want to talk right now," he said walking away from you. "What? Why?" You asked, slightly offended.

"I said get away!" Embry roared as you grabbed hold of his arm.
"Embry-" you jumped back. Embry suddenly started to shake and thrash around violently. You were terrified and didn't know what to do.

"Bout time!" You heard jarred Cameron chuckle as he came out of nowhere. He was soon followed by the other boys and Sam.

"Y/N get back," Sam commanded, you couldn't help but listen since you were feeling so intimidated right now. Not only did Embry snap at you, you were also surrounded by huge guys that you didn't really know.

"What's wrong?" Nobody answered your question, they didn't have to because as those words left your mouth Sam spoke.

"Paul keep her back." Sam said making Paul wrap his arms around you, holding you a safe distance away from Embry.

"Get away from her!" Embry roared, his body shook until a large wolf ripped through his skin. You shrieked as the beast stood in front of you.

"Take her to Emily's." Sam ordered before him and the other boys surrounded- Embry?

It's been 5 days since I've updated? WHAT!

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