Paul: bad ass

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Everyone who knew Paul knew he had a temper on him, even those who only knew his name knew about his hot headed furry!

You were stood with Emily helping her cook everyone's dinner, and by helping I mean eating most of it, when you heard Jacob and Paul yelling at each other.

"Keep away from her!" Jacob yelled, making you and Emily run to the front door. "Or what?" Paul growled angering Jacob.

Paul was obviously shaking, alerting you and Sam that he was going to turn soon.

"Jacob get back!" Sam growled but it was too late, Paul was starting to phase. His breathing became ragged and uneven as his body shook violently.

You instantly sprinted out of the house and over the group of boys. "Y/N no!" Sam yelled hoping Paul wouldn't see you or that you wouldn't get to you imprint.

"Paul!" You yelled as you grabbed hold of his arms. Pauls anger was too much so he dug his large fingers into your wrists, digging into the bone.

But you didn't let that stop you, you knew that it was his anger making him do this so you continued.

"Stop it Paul," you said sternly, sounding like his mother. "You're acting like a-" your breath caught slightly as you felt the pain in your wrists worsen.

"Like a baby!" You yelled. Everyone was frozen in fear, they didn't know what to do! They wanted to pull you away from the monstrous Paul but knew that might make him worse.

"Paul," you said softly, snapping him out of his anger. "Let's go inside now," you said smiling at him.

He instantly let go of you, his face showing regret and sadness. "First one in gets an extra cookie!" You yelled before running back to Emily, Paul chased behind you, letting you win.

"How did she-" Embry was cut off. "That chick is bad ass!" Jared yelled in excitement.


I think this is my favourite!

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