Seth: movie cliche

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Your relationship with Seth was a simple one, you were his best friend and he was yours, nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey you're staring at her again!" You said clicking your fingers in front of his face. "Huh- oh sorry!" Seth said looking back at you. "Dude if you like her that much then go ask her out!" You said to your best friend. "No chance! She's way too hot for me!"

"So who are you going to prom with?" Seth asked trying to change the topic. "Nobody." You said putting more chips into your mouth. "Why not?" You shrugged. "Because every boy our age is lead by their penis, not their brain." Seth chuckled before stealing one of your chips. "Wanna go together?" You nodded. "Sounds good." The bell rang and the two of you hurried back to class.

A few days had passed since the two of you agreed to go to prom together and you'd just gotten your dress. "What's up loser!" You said ruffling seths hair. "Oh hey." He said sounding absent. "So I went shopping yesterday and I got my-"

"Seth can I talk to you for a minute?" Sarah asked. "Sure!" Seth said completely ignoring you. Seth had a crush on Sarah so he was obviously going to pick talking to her over talking to you.

"Are you going to prom with a date?" She asked. "Actually we-" you were cut off. "No!" You frowned at Seth's answer. "Do you wanna ask me something then?" She said cockily. "Uh do you wanna go to prom with me?" He asked her with a glint of hope in his eyes. "Yes!" She said.

You stood to your feet. "Y/N did you just hear that?" You just bit your lip and nodded. "What's up?" He asked noticing how pissed you were. "Have fun at prom Seth." You said before grabbing your bag and walking away.

You decided to ignore Seth for the rest of the day in fact you ignored him for a week, telling him you were busy whenever he wanted to see you or just ignoring him entirely.

"So how does it look?" Seth asked Jared and Embry. "You look good. Y/N's gunna love it." Seth frowned. "Oh I'm not going with Y/N, I'm going with Sarah!" He said happily. "What?" Embry said. "You told Y/N you'd go with her?" Jared said crossing his arms.

"Yeah but c'mom- look how hot Sarah is plus I'm never going to get another chance like this again! Y/N understands!" The two older boys just shook their heads. "I just hope you know what you're doing kid." Jared said.

It was finally the day of prom and you were heading to the corner shop to get some snacks. "Hey Y/N! Shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight?" Paul asked. "Uh I'm not going anymore." Paul frowned. "How come?" You snorted. "My date ditched me for someone else." Paul frowned. "You shouldn't let Seth stop you from going, you got a dress right?" You nodded. "Then go show him that he messed up!" Paul said ruffling your hair as if he were your older brother.

The night of prom had come and you debated whether or not you wanted to go but you didn't want to let them ruin your night so you put on your dress and set off!
When you arrived Seth was nowhere to be seen, thankfully.

"Hey Sarah!" You heard one of the girls called, causing you to turn, looking at Seth and his date. Seth smiles at the people staring at him and glanced over at you. He offered you a warm smile but looked down when he saw you turn away. He was slowly starting to understand that you were annoyed with him.

The night went on, very slowly since you were incredibly bored. You'd gotten a lot of compliments but you couldn't care less. You were here all alone and you just wanted to go home.

You noticed Seth was looking bored too but could you blame him? Sarah was too busy getting complimented to even talk to her prom date.

"Time to announce the prom king and queen!" Your principle said. "Sarah!" He called for your queen. "Wow shocker!" You said sarcastically. "And Seth!" You were happy for him, he did look like a king in his suit.

When Seth stood up on the stage he noticed you smirking st him wearing the crown. It made him feel good for some odd reason. He waved at you and you waved back but Sarah didn't like that so she grabbed Seth by the collar and dragged him in for a kiss. That was it.

You stormed out of prom, pushing everyone out of your way and running out of the doors. Seth noticed your retreating figure and it hurt him to see you so upset so before he knew it he pushed Sarah away, jumped off the stage and chased after you.

"Y/N wait!" You heard him call but you didn't want to, you couldn't face the fact that you liked him as more than a friend and hated seeing him with her.

Seth took hold of your wrist. "Just wait!" He said pulling you to face him. "No! Get off of me!" You fought against him but he didn't let you go. "Go back to her!" You spat out. "But I don't want her-" you stopped for a moment. "What?" You said. "I realised I made a huge mistake going with her- I should of went with you."

You snorted. "Too late." Seth nodded. "Please let me make it up to you!" He begged. "Uh-" Seth smirked. "How about we ditch this place and go get some food?" You nodded. Was this really happening? It felt like a dream.

Seth took hold of your hand and walked away with you, if this was a dream you didn't want to wake up!


This was long!

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