Seth: imprint 2

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The funeral ended and Seth still kept hold of your hand, holding on to you as if you'd float away if he let you go.

His mother could see you were making it all easier for him so she asked your parents if you could go back to his house with them all, your parents said yes of course.

So that's how you found yourself say in Seth's room, holding onto him as he hid his face in your shoulder. "Sorry to bother you both, but Seth your mother wants to talk with you and Leah." Sam said making Seth stand up and nod. "I'll be right back." He said looking at you, it seemed almost painful for him to let go of you.

"Hi, I'm Sam Ulley." He said making me you smile. "I'm Y/N." Sam took a seat next to you. "I bet you're pretty confused about what's going on," you nodded. "But that was very brave of you to run to Seth like that back then. Very stupid too." He said smiling at you.

"Listen to what I've got to say, it's going to sound crazy." You just nodded. "Seth is a shapeshifter, just like me." You frowned. "You see, we protect you and everyone else from things out there that may try to hurt you-"

"Like wild animals?" You said confused. He smiled and nodded. "Sort of, well anyway, we can phase into very big but very friendly wolves." You sighed. "I've heard of the Quilitine legends." He sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

"And the reason Seth feels so much better around you is because of who you are." Now you were very confused. "You're his imprint, his soul mate." You were speechless.

"So, do you believe me?" You usually would say no, you're a crazy old man and run for the hills but it made sense to you. You did get this strange feeling when Seth touched you and could tell he felt better when you were there.

"I'll leave you two alone." Sam said walking past Seth who had a scared look on his face. "He told you huh,"
You nodded.

"Listen- I know it sounds completely made up but it's true and I'd never hurt you, I couldn't! So just understand that-" you cut him off with a simple kiss.

"I didn't say anything." You said smiling at his reaction to what just happened. "So you won't leave me?" You shook your head. "Never." You'd promised not only him but his father so you'd do whatever it took to keep Seth happy.

I'll keep dancing on my own!

Could you imagine losing a loved one like a parent? My thoughts go out to you who have, you're making them very proud up there!

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