Paul: you save him

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You never thought in a million years that you'd be Paul's imprint but you loved being his, even though he was constantly fighting deadly creatures and getting into fights with everyone.

"Thanks for taking me today." Kim said as you drove down the road. "It's fine! Besides I needed to go shopping anyway." You said to Jareds imprint. It was nice hanging out with Kim, she was friendly and understood what it was like to always worry about your lover.

"Look out!" She screamed as a large wolf ran into the road. You slammed on your breaks. "The pack-" you said feeling your heart in your throat. They were only ever this careless with humans if there was a vampire around so you knew they were on the hunt.

"Put your seatbelt on." You said to Kim who followed your orders. You had a terrible feeling in your gut and before you knew it you were speeding down the secluded road with forestry on either side of you.

Further down the road Paul was fighting against two blood suckers by himself, waiting for the pack to catch up. He had one hanging on to his jaw but was able to pin them to the ground, getting ready to kill it. That's when another one appeared the other side of the road.

"Y/N look!" Kim pointed to the other side of the road and that's when you realised he was going to sneak up on Paul so you slammed your foot down and smashed into it.

It was as if you had crashed into another car but you knocked the vampire down on its ass. Paul noticed what had just gone on and saw the leech stand to its feet, pissed and ready to rip your head off.

Paul leaped over to the vampire in front of your car and tore its head off before finishing off the second.

Paul pulled your door open and pulled you out. "Are you okay?" He said checking you over. "I'm fine-" you said hugging him. "What the hell were you thinking?" He nearly yelled, "I was protecting you!" He just sighed before pulling you in close.

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now