Paul: ignored

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The beach wasn't your favourite place to be for two reasons, reason 1: it was always cold in forks so there was no sun! Reason 2: it was boring- well that was until you saw him.

Paul was the boy you're friends crushed on, girls warned you about and parents wished you'd never bring home because of his bad boy temper.

Naturally you never found him that appealing until that one day. You saw him stood at the waters edge with his friends, trying to dunk the smallest member of their group.

"He got hot!" Your friend Lucy said making you role your eyes. "Like really hot!" She added making you look over at him.

That's when he looked over, smirking as if he had heard her. You went to make a remark on his reputation when the words caught in your throat.

The smirk was wiped off his face and replaced with an amazing smile that sent your heart flying into the air and into his arms.

"Oh shoot, we gotta go!" Lucy said snapping you out of your trance.

The next day you saw Paul in the hallway, stood with his friends. He winked at you and you couldn't help but smile and look away.

For some reason it felt as if Gravity was pulling you towards him and you almost didn't stop it!

"Do you guys believe in love at first sight?" You said making your friends look at you.

"What?" One of them said shocked, that's when they noticed Paul staring at you with a smirk.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me! Y/N, you know about his reputation? Right?" You looked down.

"He's a jerk that pumps his body full of steroids, goes mad and hits stuff! You can't want to be with a Neanderthal like that!" You continued to look down.

Before you knew it Paul punched a locker, making a very large dent in it before barging his way past everyone and out of the school.

"See what I mean!" She said walking to class.

You saw Paul later that day when you were at the beach. You didn't know why you so desperately wanted to be at the beach so late at night but something was pulling you there.

You saw Paul throwing rocks into the water and couldn't help but run to him. "Hi!" You said excited to see him. He just frowned at you.

"Are you okay? I saw what happened at scho-" he cut you off. "Leave me alone! Why would you think I wanted to talk to you?" He said walking away.

Your heart was gone, ripped right out of your chest and taken away with Paul.
Whenever you saw him form that day on he ignored you.

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