Jacob: accident

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You walked into Jacobs garage, seeing him working on his truck. "Hey how'd you know I was back here?" He asked wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek before returning to his work. "Your dad told me. " you said walking over to lean on one on the bikes he had in there.

"Hey babe can you pass me the wrench?" He asked, you scanned the tools beside you, finally locating the item he needed. "Catch" you said as you threw the tool at him. Jacob didn't quite catch in time and before he knew it the wrench hit his junk.

You froze, waiting for a reaction but all you heard was a very quiet "ow" before Jacob sat on the floor. "What kinda throw was that?" He asked making you smirk. "What kind of catch was that?" You laughed causing him to role his eyes before getting up to take his revenge.


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