Jared: ignored

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You were never friends with Jared Cameron but you did have the occasional chat with him since he was in your English class.

You faintly remember him missing a lot of school for a couple of weeks and then coming back buff with a tattoo!

You took your seat behind the now buff Jared, taking notice of how tight his shirt was.

"If you're going to stare, try not to make it so obvious-" Jared said sounding cocky as he turned around. The moment his eyes met yours he fell silent.

"What- I wasn't-" you froze. You felt your heartbeat slowly speed up as you looked into the beautiful brown eyes of his. "Maybe I was," you said pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

Jared frowned before turning around and refusing to look at you for the rest of the day.

You didn't know why but you couldn't stop staring at him, hoping he'd turn around so you could see his face again! You'd seen it a hundred times before, since you'd been in the same English class for over a year now, but for some reason you couldn't help but yearn for him to look at you again.

The bell went off and Jared shot out of the class room, avoiding you and pushing everyone else out of his way as he did so.

That hurt for some reason.

You continued your day thinking about Jared Cameron and even looking for him through the busy hallway, without realising you were doing so.

Days passed and you hadn't seen Jared once. He wasn't in English, wasn't in school and his friends didn't even know why.

You sat down in English, realising how much you hated the subject when he wasn't there, in front of you.

That's when Jared took a seat but instead of his usual one in front of you, he sat at the very front of the classroom, on the opposite side to you.

Why did it burn when you thought he was ignoring you? Why did the thought of him not liking you make you feel so sick and heart broken.

The lesson continued on, you staring at Jared the entire time, it wasn't your fault, it stung when you looked away!

He would occasionally look back at you but instantly look forward when he noticed you looking at him.

Why? Why was he ignoring you? Why?


He doesn't love you!!!😱

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