Brady: lemon

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You were late for class, as usual. You were such a tardy person but luckily for you, so was your boyfriend/Imprint. "Hey good looking." Brady said pressing up against you as you searched your locker for your physics book.

"Are you skipping class again?" You said slightly annoyed, he never went to his English class. "Are you late again?" He retaliated making you sigh. "Yes, she's gunna kill me." You said thinking about your teacher, she was a rather small woman but was sort of like a bear: hairy and mean!

"You could just skip class with me." Your boyfriend said cheekily. "And do what?" You said wishing you could go with him. Brady smirked, "I could think of something to do." He said rubbing his groin against your bum. You blushed.

"Brady- we're in plain sight!" You snapped. Brady looked around and noticed the broom closet to his left. Brady pulled you with him towards the broom closet. "No chance." You said as he shut he door. "Why?" He asked sounding disappointed. "Because we'll get caught." You said crossing your arms. "Not for another 47 minutes." He said checking the time on his phone.

God he was so persuasive.

"You tell anyone and I'll kill you." You said before letting him attack your neck with kisses, God did it feel good. "But we've gotta be quiet." You said biting your lip. "That's no fun!" Brady said as he groped your chest.

The simple touches on your skin was driving you crazy, he was soft yet showed you had badly he lusted for you. You pulled his shirt off over his head, loving each second of seeing his exposed torso. "Your turn-" he said before taking your shirt off.

Next thing you knew you were stood with just your bra on as Brady went down on you. He propped your leg over his shoulder, giving him full access to you southern region. Brady got to work by licking at you downstairs, flicking your clit with his tongue as he continued to make you wet.

You pulled him up when you felt yourself about to moan. Brady leaned you against the wall, holding one of your legs up before plunging his man hood into you. "Fuck-" he groaned out. Brady took a moment before thrusting, as if he needed a second to collect his thoughts.

He sex was slow and steady, making sure not to alert any passing students or teachers of your whereabouts in the closet.

Brady dug his fingers into your thighs, trying his hardest to keep his cool. You felt him go faster, now inserting his full length into you. "Brady-" he gripped you harder. "Oh I wanna fuck you so hard!" He said hitting the inside of his cheek so he didn't go harder.

Brady was soon growing restless, picking up his pace even more, only to be told off by you when he did so.

He had had enough and decided he would really make you enjoy this. Brady slammed into you, you bit into his shoulder to suppress your moan and he loved it. Brady kept getting harder and harder until he was giving you all he had.

You buried your head in his chest but he didn't want that, no Brady wanted to watch your face as he made you feel good, so he tugged your pony tail, making you look at him as he fucked you.

Your cheeks were bright red but you couldn't look away, not when you had that gaze on you! When you felt him squeeze you harder- painfully harder, you realised he couldn't go much longer so leaned in close to his ear and let out soft little moans, driving him up the wall.

He grabbed your hand and pinned it to the wall as he claimed you as his, it took every inch of you to not moan loud enough for the whole school to hear so instead you let out small whimpers of pleasure and he gave you orgasm after orgasm.

Your free hand dug it's nails into Brady's back but he didn't notice, he was completely focuses on you and what he was doing to you, so he also didn't notice the ruckus he was making by banging the brooms and mops around, as he banged you.

You let out a loud moan before biting his shoulder once again. You couldn't take it any longer so you said the three words you knew would make him cum in an instant. "I'm gunna cum-" and with that Brady hit his peak and released himself in you.

"Round two at mine?" He said making the two of you shuffle around to find your clothes before running out of the school gates.


I finally did it!!

I have had so much writers block for this one! Collins was so easy to write but this one really made me struggle!

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