Paul: accident 2

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You weren't the sportiest of girls but your New Years resolution was to get in shape so you started going to the gym. Paul loved to work out, even though he didn't, so you always saw him at the gym. Eventually the two of you would work out together and you loved it.

You had just finished doing your squats when Paul had finished on the waits. "You looked good up there." He said flirting with you. "Keep your eyes on what you're doing." You said taking a sip of your water. "Pretty soon I will be doing what I got my eyes on." He said making you giggle, he was always really flirty with you but that was it.

"Hey Paul!" Jared said, he went to this gym too. "I'll be bs k in a bit." He said. "Don't worry, I'm going for a shower anyway!" You said picking up your stuff. "Okay, good work out today!" He said as he slapped your butt.

That shocked you. Sure he was flirty with you but he'd never touched you, no matter how badly you wanted him too.

Paul didn't even realise what he had done as he walked over to his friend. "Are you guys together?" Jared asked confused. "Not yet, why?" Paul answered. "You just..." Paul froze as his eyes widened. "Oh shit!" He said face palming himself.

Jared just laughed as the two boys walked away.



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