Seth: you save him

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It was a nice day in the town of forks, it was surprisingly hot so you were all over Emily's enjoying the day. Naturally you girls were inside chatting with Emily who was cooking while the boys were out the back.

You heard a commotion so you all went to see what was going on. Seth and Paul had started arguing and before anyone could intervene they had both changed. Sam would always let the boys settle things by themselves once they had turned to they were both left to fight it out.

You hated seeing him fight.

Seths wolf form was quite a bit smaller than Paul's since he was younger so Paul obviously was winning. Everyone slowly started to notice Paul was going too far but knew if they got involved it would only make things worse.

Paul took hold of Seth in his jaws and threw him to the floor, Seth whimpered in pain and that was it. Paul's anger was blinding him from what he was doing to his fellow brother so you decided enough was enough.

You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, past the girls and the pack members who were all watching carefully.

"Y/N don't!" Jacob yelled but you didn't listen to him. You only cared about Seth in this moment in time and you weren't afraid of Paul, if he wanted Seth he'd have to get through you first.

As Paul was about to strike again you ran in front of Seth. "Stop it!" You yelled charging at him. Paul towered over you, it looked like little red riding hood facing off against the big bad wolf.

Paul growled and snarled at you. "Don't touch him." You said through clenched teeth. "You'll kill him if you keep going you mutt!" You yelled snapping Paul out of it. Seth stood to hit feet now, ready to protect you if Paul did anything but Paul was no longer angry, now he was sorry and guilty.

Paul bowed his head and whined, apologising to Seth. Seth just rubbed his head against yours before both boys phased back.

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