★Seth: he turns★

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You walked out of your house and down the road. Today you were going cliff diving with a boy you liked, Seth Clearwaters, and his older friends. At first you thought it was weird for a kid to hang around with older guys but they were all really nice and acted like brothers.

You looked across the road and saw Seth stood with the others. They were messing around until Seth spotted you and waved. You waved back and hurried across the road with out looking.

"Stop!" Jacob yelled but it was too late. You looked to your right and saw a truck speeding towards you. You froze as it got closer to you, to close for you to move! The driver kept beeping the horn but it was too late.

"Y/N move!" Seth roared at you, he lunged onto the road and before you knew it a giant wolf tore through his clothes and tackled you off the road.

The truck driver swerved slightly but didn't stop and continued to drive away, worried he'd actually hit something. You laid on the ground in shock as you stared at the huge beast stood over you. "Seth give her space!" Jared called out. This thing was Seth? You thought.

Seth gave you a worried look before running into the forest surrounding you. "Help her up!" Embry yelled. Quil and Paul pulled you to your feet.

"Take her to Sam, she's going to have to know." Jared said looking slightly worried for you.

"Seth?" You questioned looking into the direction the wolf had ran off in.


I was going to post this tomorrow but screw it, you guys deserve to posts in one day!

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