Paul: imprint 2

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You couldn't believe how close you and Paul has become, everything you'd ever heard about him, about him being a dangerous bully, was wrong.

Since you hung out with Paul a lot, you ended up handing out with the pack, which included Kim since she was Jareds imprint.

You had heard the legends of your people turning into humongous wolves and killing the cold ones, you'd even heard the story's of tahaki and his 3rd wife so you knew what an imprint was but was not aware that you were one.

You sat with Emily and Kim on the beach, waiting for the boys. As soon as they arrived Jared tackled Kim to the ground and began giving her sloppy kisses, while Sam wrapped his arms around Emily.

Paul came behind you and rested his head on your shoulder, while pulling you back far enough to lean on him. You couldn't figure it out but this felt natural to you.

"Let's go cliff diving!" Quil said running off of with Seth and Embry. "Coming babe?" Jared said helping Kim up, she nodded and the two were off. Sam and Emily just sat there, enjoying each others company.

You stood up to go with them but Paul pulled you towards him again. "Let's go for a walk?" He said smirking at you. So that's how you two ended up walking alone on the beach.

Paul had his hand firmly around yours making you feel a strange feeling in your stomach. "So what were you and the girls talking about?" He asked looking at you.

"Nothing really, Kim wouldn't stop going on about Jared." You said chuckling. "That's nice, he's lucky to have her." Paul said slightly jealous Jared had such a relationship with his imprint.

You frowned earning a happy chuckle from Paul. "I like you, a lot." He said standing still. "I like you too?" You said smirking at him.

"No you don't understand- do you feel it? That pull towards me?" Your cheeks were currently bright red. "I-" you just nodded. "Thank god," he said.

"There's no easy way to say this Y/N but you're my imprint." He said making you frown slightly. "Paul that's impossible-" he cut you off. "It's true." You sighed. "That would mean you're a shapeshifter?" He nodded.

"We all are- me and the boys, Emily is Sam's imprint and Kim is Jareds." He said kind of making sense.

The boys did suddenly leave sometimes and they did act like wolves the way they howled when they got to Emily's place.

"So you can turn into a wolf?" You asked making Paul nod. "I know it's crazy trust me I do but you're my imprint." You loved it when he said that.

It all made sense now, why you couldn't be away from him all day, why they all are so much, why Paul would get angry is the boys got too friendly with you.

"Please say something." Paul said sounding slightly worried but our words weren't working, you couldn't get them out so you did the one thing you had wanted to do since that day he knocked you over in school...

You kissed him. He happily kissed you back, putting his arms around your hips.

The two of you went back to the beach, where the pack was sat.

"So?" Jared said smirking at the two of you. "I told her," Paul said proudly. "And she didn't freak out? Wow you're a weird one!" Quil said giggling to himself.

"Welcome to the pack." Sam said smiling at you.


I both love and hate this one:/

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now