Collin: ignored

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How do I put this, in your school on the reserve you were well known due to your stunning looks and popularity where as Collin wasn't. No one really knew his name, besides his best friend Brady, nobody cared enough to learn his name.

So it probably won't come as a shock to imagine that you didn't know who he was either! He was just another face in the crowd where as you were a shooting star that everyone stared at.

Even after Collin phased you didn't take notice in him because you weren't all that into looks so he was still some nobody that knew your name.

You shared one class with Collin, biology and boy did you hate it!

"Just talk to her!" Brady said to his best friend, while winking at some girls staring at him. Collin really wished he was as confident as his best friend but he wasn't.

"No!" Collin said opening his text book, with a disappointed look on his face. "Fine, Y/N!" Brady yelled causing you to jump and turn in their direction.

Brady turned around and began talking to some girls sat behind him, making it look like Collin had called you.

The moment you looked into Collins eyes you saw fireworks. What a cliché thing to say right? But it was true! It felt warm, dangerous and colourful!

"Yeah?" You asked smiling at him. "Uh- hi?" He said making you smile and turn around.


Okay since there's not a lot of background story to go on for Collin I like to think of him as a super huge nerd that never has a chance with girls! Also you're the one doing the ignoring well not really you just never notice him!

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