Seth: accident 2

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So here's how your Saturday started:
You got out of bed, checked your phone and saw a text off Seth saying good morning, same as usual. You then had a shower, got dressed and opened the front door to find Seth stood with a smile.

The two of you always hung out, you were best friends. When he became friends with Sam, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry and Quil you started to hang out with them too.

"And she's finally awake!" Paul joked as you walked into Sam's house with Seth. "Hey I need my beauty sleep!" You joked. "Hey Sam why don't you try getting more beauty sleep?" Quil teased but Sam just ignored him.

Eventually you all made your way onto the beach to enjoy the day, it was Embry's idea and you all agreed that it was a good one.

"I bet I could take any of you down." Jared said to the other boys. Embry, Quil amd Paul looked at each other before dog piling poor Jared. You and Seth laughed as Jared tried his hardest to stay up but eventually gave in.

"I bet I could take you down!" Seth said to you. You were fully aware that he could "take you down" so you smirked. "I bet I'm faster than you." You said running ahead of him. "Hey- that's cheating!" Seth yelled as he sprinted to keep up with you.

The boys stopped fighting and watched your race, you beat Seth since you had a head start and everyone cheered for you. "You gotta be quicker next time." Paul said teasing Seth who shoved him.

"Cheater!" He said nudging you. "Not my fault you're slow!" You teased as you shoved him back. Seth forgot who he was messing around with and punched your arm as if you were one of the boys.

You stumbled quite a bit since he had super human strength, luckily for you he didn't hit you as hard as he could. "Ow!" You said running your arm. Jared face palmed in the background ask what he had just witnessed.

"Hey Y/N, could you come help me for a minute?" Emily called to you so you ran over to her.

"That was a little hard man." Embry said chuckling. Seth just tried not to cringe at how he had just treated you like one of the guys.



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