Embry: accident

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"Y/N's here." Paul said looking at your truck through Emily's window. Embry smirked before running and hiding behind the front door, lowering himself dowm so you couldn't see him. "What are you-?" Jared was shushed by Embry as you walked into the house.

"Hey- where's Embry?" You asked confused as to where he could be. That's when your boyfriend jumped out from behind the door, startling you. You let out a loud scream before raising your knee up and hitting him straight in the Crown Jewels.

Embry let out a cry of pain causing all of the other pack members laugh hysterically. "Why would you do that?" He asked causing you to frown. "Why would you scare me like that?" You asked before giving him a kiss.

I hate how short these are!!

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