★Jared: he turns★

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You were at La Push beach with the pack, it was a beach party and you were looking forward to it! Since it was a beach party you obviously planned to go swimming with your friends.

Some random guy you didn't really know decided to try and hit on you. He wasn't bothering you that much since you ignored him but he was bothering your protective imprint who was slowly losing his temper.

"Listen I have a boyfriend." You said for the hundredth time. "And I have an English test." You frowned. "So?" He smirked, making your stomach turn. "I thought we were just listing things we could cheat on," he said giving you a wink.

You fake gagged before turning to walk away, you froze once you saw Jared shaking as if he were about to have a fit. Sam frowned before he and the other boys dragged him away, what was going on? You couldn't help but follow behind to make sure he was okay.

What you didn't know was the idiot had followed behind you and was now the reason for Jareds anger.

"She's mine!" Jared roared as the boys tried to restrain him. "Jared calm down!" You yelled not knowing why he was so mad. "Y/N get out of here!" Sam yelled but it was too late, Jared had seen the boy behind you and was livid.

His skin shredded off with his clothes and a huge wold stood in his place. Jared- or the wolf lunged forward, aiming for the boy behind you. You didn't move in time and instead of just hitting the boy, he knocked you flying out of his way.

Your body was hit at such a speed it felt like you'd been knocked down by a truck. Your leg snapped as you landed on the hard floor, instantly snapping Jared out of it.
He turned back as he ran to your side. You were both a mixture of pain and confusion but for some reason you weren't scared of him.


I re-wrote this one since I did it wrong and now it's stupid because the first one was better but incorrect!!


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