Seth: ignored

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Losing a loved one is possibly one of the most painful experiences life gives you, so when Seth's father died it came as no surprise that he was in no mood to converse with any of his friends.

The problem was, the two of you were very good friends and you desperately wanted to be there for him, to see him through such tough times but he didn't want you there.

Seth stopped coming to school and in fact you hadn't seen much of his older sister Leah since Harry had passed.

You sent text after text, all of his old friends did but nothing! You called him, tried face timing him, every thing you could think of but he ignored every attempt you made to talk to him.

"Cheer up Y/N!" Lewis, yours and Seth's friend said. You'd all decided to go out instead of staying in and worrying about Seth. "This just doesn't feel right!" You said looking down.

"We're enjoying ourselves while he's sat at home crying his heart out!" The mental picture you had just painted for yourself made your heart sting.

"Oh yeah?" Maggie, another one of yours and Seth's friend said crossing her arms and looking behind you.

You turned to see Seth, with a new haircut, a new body, tattoo and smile on his face.

"He looks so sad!" One of your friends said crossing his arms. "He wasn't crying, instead he was laughing while we tried to check in on him!" Lewis said turning to walk away, the group followed him but you couldn't.

Before you knew it, your legs had marched you right over to him, you pressed your pointer finger right against his now chiselled chest and frowned.

"What the hells the matter with you?" You yelled, startling everyone. "Your mother told us you were- you were grieving and refused to leave your room!" He frowned.

As you yelled at him you couldn't help but feel your heart rate increase but not from anger, from something else.

"We were so worried about you!" You said pushing him as hard as you could. "We're your friends- I'm your friend!" You said getting croaky.

"Not anymore!" Leah said pushing you away from her little brother. Even she looked different from what you'd remembered.

Leah began shaking furiously, confusing you. Her build was much bigger than yours but what scared you was the terrified look on Seth's face as he looked at you and his sister.

Dun dun DUUUUN!

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